Carry out your analyses efficiently and with all the necessary traceability
The Production module manages all operations from the reception of a sample to the editing of analysis results, including the entry of results and their validation.
It is accompanied by modules dedicated to certain analytical chains to offer you the most appropriate treatment according to the type of analyses performed: Microplates for serology / virology, Autopsies, Antibiograms..., as well as interfaces to exchange files directly with analysis automatons.
Finally, the Benchtop sheets module allows you to integrate your benchtop sheets templates directly into the software and to enter the results on the screen with the same layout as on paper.

Manage invoicing, commercial relationships and communication with your customers
Our Invoicing module is directly linked to production to automatically generate the invoices corresponding to the performed analyses and monitor their payment. Upstream, it can be supplemented by a Customer Relationship Management module for issuing and monitoring commercial proposals (quotes, contracts).
To facilitate communication with your customers, our LIMS also integrates the main laboratory EDI languages (Sacha, eLabs, SANDRE EDILABO, SISE-EAUX...) as well as a secure extranet allowing you to make their analysis reports, invoices or any other useful document available to your customers.

Support functions to manage all the needs of the laboratory in a single software package
Our LIMS also has support modules to manage complementary operations to the analyses.
Thus we propose a module dedicated to logistics allowing to organise the sampling rounds as well as a tablet application for the samplers in order to enter directly on site the field measurements and the data of the samples taken.
Phylum.Laboratoire also has an integrated inventory and supply management system for monitoring supplier orders and stocks of consumables.
Finally, specific quality assurance modules can be implemented: quality management documents, equipment management, incident monitoring.