Animal health and Welfare
Phylum works with all those involved in animal health and animal welfare: competent authorities, professional associations, veterinary care institutions, pharmaceutical laboratories and companies involved in animal production, with a wide range of missions.
The development of animal disease control policies.
Linked to international standards, Phylum is involved in the definition and implementation of animal disease prevention and control policies.
The strengthening of animal welfare management both in the animal industry and in public policies.
Phylum also participates in international standardisation.
Strategy, marketing and financial management for veterinary care facilities. Phylum is working on the development of an efficient offer in preventive medicine, on the development and growth of clusters of clinics or on the reasoning behind heavy investments in veterinary medicine.
The design and/or development of business information systems.
The management of information from different sources is a key factor of success in animal health and welfare management. During these missions, Phylum ensures the transfer of skills and capacity building of operational teams and managers.
Working for both the private and public sectors, Phylum has the capacity to develop concrete public-private partnerships.