Regenerative agriculture and sustainable water supply in the Ethiopian mountains
Phylum has been commissioned by AFD (French Development Agency) to facilitate the consolidation of a project led by InterAide and the Southern and Central regions of Ethiopia.
For many years, InterAide has been working with rural communities in these two regions :
- to improve access to water in mountain areas, through sustainable gravity-fed systems
- for soil conservation, by creating terraces bordered by fodder hedges, which also provide valuable fodder for cattle that provide their labour and milk.
Two videos, which you can watch at the following links, present the water and agriculture components of the project.
The aim of the forthcoming PROCEED project (Public Result Oriented Cooperation in Ethiopia for Effective Development) is to scale up the know-how acquired by InterAide, by integrating it into the public policies of the regions of concern while strengthening their capacities to facilitate implementation.
The mission led by François Gary and Chloé Le Gall-Ladevèze from Phylum, Aline Brachet from Appia-Capacity and Mellese Dandi, a lawyer at the University of Addis Ababa, aims to define and finalise the management processes for this project, both in administrative and financial terms and in environmental and social terms, to ensure the sustainable implementation of the strategy defined by InterAide.
Here are some pictures of this mission :
A word François ?
" A big thank you to the team of InterAide, in particular Pierre PERRAULT, François BOURGEOIS, and Marie EDAN from AFD for their confidence in Phylum" (François)