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Food supply chains

Phylum works with companies in the food industry from upstream to downstream. Its knowledge of the specificities of the food industry, and in particular, the interfaces with upstream agriculture, enables it to bring its expertise by combining the strategic stakes and the sanitary and quality requirements of the markets.

• Strategies for the development of food chains. Phylum carries out feasibility studies for the animal sector in emerging countries, as well as policies to strengthen sourcing from upstream agriculture, or to develop differentiated products (AB, AOP, IGP...).

• Prevention and management of food safety risks ranging from strengthening food safety management systems to supporting the management of health incidents or crises.

• Strengthening the management of the relationship with farms, which represents both a factor of competitiveness and a differentiating factor responding to consumer expectations.


Varied missions test


Food safety policy

Phylum supports the definition of food safety policies of governments as well as agrifood  industries or their professional federations.


Risk management

Phylum contributes to the development and strengthening of food safety risk management systems, both in companies and by competent authorities.


Crisis management

Phylum assists companies in health crisis management to take immediate action to preserve product safety and reassure customers and consumers.


Traceability: from animal identification to product traceability

Phylum develops traceability systems for animal identification, traceability of movements and traceability of practices for the prevention and management of health risks.  

Various clients


Agricultural upstream

Phylum works with suppliers to agriculture and livestock farming: genetics, animal feed, input suppliers, etc.


Agricultural production

Phylum can intervene directly in primary production; producer groups, cooperatives, technical support services...


Transformation and valorisation

Phylum carries out assignments for SMEs as well as for agri-food groups


Public policy

Phylum supports the definition of public policy in the agri-food sector with governments and local authorities

Some missions

Project management assistance for the Calypso project

The Calypso project celebrated its 1st anniversary in March 2024 ! 🎉

Team Calypso

Support mission in crisis management

On September 26, 2019, the Lubrizol chemical plant was the victim of a serious fire with a significant fume emanation with a risk of pollution under the cloud of fumes. In the days that followed, an agri-food group present in the region called on Phylum to assist it in defining the measures to be implemented to assess and manage the risk with its suppliers, while limiting the impact on its activity and by ensuring the safety of products, both in the short and medium term.