Phylum in Nigeria - Livestock modernization project for herders
Phylum was on a mission in Nigeria on a livestock modernization project for pastoralist herders in Kwara State.
The objective was to improve the meat and milk production through the improvement of fodder production in the Lata reserve in Kwara State. François Gary, Anaïs Redissi and Dr Dooshima Kwange, as local expert, gave their expertise on animal health and valorization of animal products (meat and milk). This project is financed by the French Treasury through a feasibility study (FASEP) led by BRL Ingénierie.
The diagnosis phase has begun and Phylum team already visited the reserve and met herders rising animals and women processing and selling milk.
The main challenge is to change the mindset and the current practices for an adaptation of the pastoralism to the climate change. The mission was an opportunity to meet all main decision makers : the commissioner of Kwara state, the director of Livestock, the veterinary services' director and Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other partners such as the French embassy of Nigeria, the AFD (Agence Française de Développement), the animal husbandry services of ECOWAS Commission and the Veterinary faculty of Ilorin.
Here are some pictures and also François and Anaïs testimonials
"Happy to perform this mission with Anaïs. A very fruitful mission on the adaptation and development of livestock production in pastoralist context, thanks to the commitment of the commissioner, Oloruntoyosi Thomas, and her director of livestock of Kwara State." (François)
"I'm proud to have taken part in this mission to Nigeria. This immersion in the Fulani villages enabled me to understand the constraints and challenges faced by herders living in the Lata nature reserve. It was both a professional and human experience, rich in new encounters that will remain engraved in my memory forever. Many thanks to our host, the Director of the Kwara State Livestock Department, Mohammed Ahmed Umar, and to our local expert, Dooshima Kwange, for their support throughout this mission." (Anaïs)