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SIA 2022 : Presentation of the Animal Welfare Guide for Veterinarians to the CNOV and SNGTV

On the occasion of the Paris International Agricultural Show (SIA), Danone and Phylum presented the Animal Welfare Guide for veterinarians to Dr. Jacques GUERIN, President of the CNOV, and to Dr. François COUROUBLE, President of the BEA Commission until the last few days.

This guide was developed within the framework of the programme financed by the Danone Ecosystem Fund. It is additional to the guide produced for farmers. It focuses on the role of the Veterinarian in relation to the Animal Welfare (AW) and subjects that directly affect his or her practice : pain management, transportation, euthanasia, animal lifespan. It was written with the expertise of veterinarians from Phylum, Vetagro Sup, SNGTV and IDELE, and an analysis of existing documents and the state of scientific research.

Dr Mathilde CLAUSS from Phylum recalled the importance of involving the whole livestock ecosystem, including veterinarians, to support farmers in improving the AW. In a field where research work is leading to a better understanding of welfare, it is important to keep the skills of the various players up to date. Dr Jacques GUERIN recalled the importance of the chain of actors from the farm to the dairy with the service providers to ensure the animals'welfare, but also the well-being of the people who work around the animals, in order to meet societal expectations.