Technical Guide for Pair Housing of Dairy Calves
In the framework of the Danone Ecosystem Fund's Animal Welfare program, Phylum, Danone, MSD, ISA Lille and IDELE have written a technical guide on the pair housing of dairy calves for farmers and their technical staff.
This guide is about pair housing, the practice of which was monitored during trials conducted in the pilot farm "Le Moulin de Renty". Organised in the form of technical sheets, it reports on the scientific knowledge available and offers advice on how to put it into practice on the farm.
The publication of this guide is perfectly on time and aligned with the Scientific Opinion report from EFSA on Animal Welfare of calves, which can be found here, in order to provide concrete solutions to apply EFSA recommendations.
We hope that this guide will be useful to the profession and that producers will find answers to their questions..
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